Monday, December 17, 2012

Stacking the Shelves #2

This is a blog hop that is hosted by Tynas Reviews. I went shopping this weekend, and I only picked up two books. I have heard nothing but good things about both of these books so I decided to pick them up.

The first book that I picked up is Unwind by Neal Shusterman. It was through the booktube community that I heard about this book, and along with GoodReads. I had been wanting to pick this up for quite some time.
My local bookstore had one left in stock so I jumped on it, and I'm really looking forward to getting in to this book!

The second book that I picked up is Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi.

I only just recently heard about this book and it sounded like something that I would really enjoy. It also got pretty decent ratings and a lot of people seemed to really enjoy it, so I picked it up.


  1. Unwind is one of my favorite books. It is such a surreal, creepy book. There is a scene (you will know when you get there) that I held my breath the entire time I read it!

    Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  2. Awe, that's great to know! I'm really looking forward to starting it (its been tough to get reading in with coming up to the end of the semester)
